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Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

THE NOTE BOOK - Nicholas Sparks

This is by all mean the most beautiful story that has turned into movie that moved me so much. I probably talk about the movie more than i talk the book because I couldn't help it, I love the movie so much. Love the cast also... Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdam played Noah and Allie so perfect, I cried watching them.

Ok, their love story begun when Allie and Noah met in the summer. Allie came home to her home country and met Noah in the Amusement Park, where he insisted her to go out with him, of course she agreed.

So the journey to the passionate love begun. Allie, the uptown girl dating Noah Calhoun, the farmer's son, sure they kept their relationship from Allie's parent, and as soon as her mother found out, Allie was forced to be apart from Noah, but not before he made her a promise to build their white dream house.

During their seperation, Noah went to serve his country as a soldier and Allie go back to her town as work as a nurse, there she met her future fiance.

Meanwhile, Noah never forgets Allie, his true love, where he wrote her a letter, everyday for a year. It was when he came back from the war, that he saw Allie with someone else, but still, his feeling for her never change, so he started to build their dream house, an old house he ever showed Allie and promised her to make it great.

Later on, after he is finished building the house, it became famous, for Noah did it by him self and always refuse to sell it. He appeared on the newspaper with his dream house as the background. Allie who were trying her wedding gown accidentally see the newspaper and come across to Noah's picture with the house, got faint.

Curious on how Noah came across with the home, Allie decided to pay Noah a visit. There she met him and accused him on leaving her. Of course Noah explained that she's the one who left, the one who never returned his letter. Allie was suprised to learn that Noah never forget her.

So on that day, Allie and Noah made up and made promises on what to come, and promised to each other to stay love.

Fast forward until they are old, Allie had an Alzheimer, but Noah still beside her, with her all the way and his love never subside.

Yes, I love the book, and love the movie.. it is so great great great.

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